Deducing God Exists With Logic?
Can Mathematics convert your religious beliefs? I think it's so. Through the power of reason and logic you can get to a new perspective.
Understanding Gradient Descent
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) relies heavily on this very intuitive differentiation-based algorithm called gradient descent. It gets us closer to our desired minima or maxima by starting with a value and adjusting that value based on the change of our gradient. In this article you'll learn to understand what is gradient descent and all the component apart of it. And then explore a few modifications of it from simple to advanced to solidify your understanding!
A Retard's Mathematical Evolutionary Philosophy
What happens when you combine existential philosophy w/ the background of mathematical mutation-based evolutionary biology? A borderline crazy person or a genius? Who knows! Let's take a look into the mind of DeGatchi as we explore the world of artificial possibilities.
Understanding Quadratics (WIP)
Not getting quadratics? Same! With today's mental gym sesh we're doing leg day, focusing on quadratics. I know, the dreaded quadratic. Fuck them. But we need to understand them to move onto the other cool shit in math. Lets see whether we can get it to click!
Unlocking Algebra (WIP)
Want to learn math but not sure how to start? Feel like you're bad at math? Or maybe, you know different parts of math but there are holes in your mental model. Follow DeGatchi along this ride to get an intuition of how math works algebraically, as he once was 'bad at math' and had completely fragmented mental math models.