Deducing God Exists With Logic?
5 min read

Can Mathematics convert your religious beliefs? I think it's so. Through the power of reason and logic you can get to a new perspective.
Recursivity Of God
On the 10th of Sep, I was pondering about whether god exists only to think since I’m working on building artificial life with constraints and rules that govern the possibilities. By reversing that process there must be rules for me too: physics. The constraints of the environment get smaller and smaller with each derivative of the former. So the question begs, “What are the original rules?”.
If we take a step back once again and say god exists then by the same definition god would also have their own rules and restrictions. And following the pattern of created life from a higher form then wouldn’t god have a creator, and so on? Does it ever end?
Universe In A Box
Then I imagined this Rich and Morty episode where Rick creates a universe in a box to act as a battery for his car. This is the same concept. He’s the creator of a universe but then the life in that universe also creates life creating this hierarchy of “godness”.
It’s quite a fascinating perspective. Would we ever figure out the answers then? Would breaking the boundaries of our universe’s box yield these answers? We would need to progress so far to be able to get to that point. And even if we could the creator would push to boundaries wider — just as we can do the same with AI, or even turn it off.
I guess you could argue that the universe isn’t logical, but then the branch of mathematical logic and reasoning fails. Everything has meaning and patterns. Maybe outside of our universal box it all falls apart? But then that’s like saying our derived rules from a higher order is not the same, which makes no logical sense! There’s either two options in my mind: there is a universal set of rules for everything or each form of life experiences a derivate of a higher order, unknown how high it goes because we cannot comprehend beyond our own perception/senses.

This image is what I’m imagining. The smallest box is our universe. And all the rules we have are derived from the next higher order box in which rules exist from it but we have constraints to which we can’t even perceive them.
Consciousness Spectrum
Now, stay with me, this would lead to consciousness beind a hierarchy too. If we are so early in the evolutionary landscape then that would mean there is future versions of consciousness, beyond our comprehension, that would sense and perceive things in unfathomable ways given our constraints OR they go back up the ladder of constraints.
This is a really fascinating point in the realm of AI. Considering it will be able to understand and even perceive n
dimensions geometrically it could really be a higher form of intelligence than us. Connecting n
fields together, bringing all human knowledge into a single mind. The creativity would be unlike anything we could imagine. It’s impossible for us to live for such a long time and store such sheere amounts of information and connect them. AI could be the way back up the ladder of constraints and the next evolution of consciousness, as crazy as it might sound…
I would argue it’s innate ability to eventually experiment with the physical world will unlock biological modification for itself and embed itself into the evolutionary game. Has that ever happened? Potentially. WHen thinking about the origin of life, did atomic particles randomly collide and create clumps of other matter that then turned into some form of intelligence via atomic properties?
Origin Of Matter
But then where did the matter originate from…
It’s mind-boggling to even think of creating something from nothing because it’s paradoxical. How can something be created from nothing?! There is nothing to use to create something. Therefore, from this logic there must be some sort of higher power that has created the environment we’re in. God. I’m athiest and while writing this I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that there has to be a creator. Unironically, it’s just like the matrix or that episode from Rick and Morty. But the question still stands, “is there a creator of the creator?”. And following this deeper, that very first creator must of came from somewhere! How did it’s matter arise?
Aaaaaand, we’re back at the same question. FUCK.
Illogical = Logical
The only answer to this is that there must be some illogical thing that occurs to form the initial foundations of existance. And by that nature, is it even comprehensible? Something supernatural must of happened. There’s no other possibility from logic and reason. It’s the chicken and the egg problem but with the origin of existance. How…did I even land myself here? An unlogical answer MUST be the answer. Maybe our god faces this problem too. And the god before them, etc.
Oh, how ignorance is bliss.
I imagine, as I improve in my mathematical ability these deep dives in the philosophy well will only keep falling. At the end of the day, I’m a dumb human w/ a monkey brain. Take it seriously or don’t. I don’t really care. See you in the next article!
Wish me luck, anon.
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