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AI Researcher

Working on evolutionary ML with a focus on adaptive multi-objective functions and perserving weights while add/sub/modifying features parameters. Curious about Riemannian manifolds, chaotic blackbox uncertainty, signal processing, and stochastic calculus.


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Career Updates

02/03 - First Malware

  • Started to code my first piece of malware in C. Already build an IP fetcher for private and public IP of the user, current window logger, gets all files and dirs, replicates into shell:startup and kills and respawns processes with randomised pids to avoid being killed, rewiring the randomised hotkeys to execute the .exe when they delete the file. Writing C has actually been quite fun. Looking forward to writing asm and getting more into kernal stuff.
  • Currently looking at building a network scanner to upgrade my worm propagation and building a custom VM for win32 to get my worm to FAFO with what AV software the host has without alerting the host. Will be a nice couple projects.
  • Taking a lil break from math rn to do some malware stuff. Will ride this curiousity wave until it dies then will return to math.
  • Oh and got a carhartt jacket for winter arc :)
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I host a tecnhical podcast about math, science, crypto, HFT/MEV and infosec. I have experience in these fields which enables me to ask deeper questions than other podcasts with hosts with surface elvel knowledge.

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Listen to my first ever interview when I was just starting out in my career! I talked about MEV and reverse engineering :)

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